Individuals looking to make a little extra money often turn to eBay and if you only have an item to sell once every few months then the strategy you're using is probably adequate. But what about sellers who list dozens of items each month? How can they work to make their listings more efficient, so customers don't scroll right by? If you are ready to become a more consistent seller than its time you upgrade your equipment to help take your store to the next level.

Digital camera: A digital camera allows individuals with no photographic experience to take eye-catching photos of items they want to sale. Most digital cameras offer a zoom feature that allows you to take a close up, detailed pictures of the item or product in question, this can also allow you to reassure buyers that an item condition is as described. After the pictures are taken, they can be uploaded to your computer and edited before adding to your store.

Digital cameras are cheap to buy, a decent digital camera can be purchased for less than a hundred dollars, since digital cameras do not use film, there is no additional cost associated with the camera. High-speed internet can reduce the time needed to upload pictures and customize sales templates on the site.

Forget about developing a niche: If you do not have a niche, don't worry about it, to be successful your store just needs to offer items that are in demand. The problem with covering a niche on eBay, is that other sellers are already doing the same thing, and chances are they have a better reputation then you, simply by being their longer. For example, computer parts, cell phones and electronic stores are popular on eBay, but is their room for you to create a similar store? Unless your products are highly specialized, a niche just might not be an option.

Market your products: Though your store may not offer collectors items, or other high demand products your sales pitch can work to your benefit. Any business needs to learn how to write a sales pitch. An effective sales pitch is written to appeal to the audience, the information makes them want to buy your product or find out more.

Give out the freebies: Though most businesses supply a business card when selling items on eBay, they do not provide free gifts. A free gift is a great way of showing customers you appreciate their business, with every purchase from your store throw in a custom pen, hat, bag or keychain. These items can be purchased in bulk and printed with your eBay stores logo on them. By having your information on products that they are using in their everyday life, a buyer is more likely to become a repeat customer. You can also choose to offer a slightly more expensive product, such as a bag with the purchase of a more expensive item in your store.

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